Adding yoga can in your daily routine can transform your life. It provides several benefits to both the body and mind. Also, it brings the body and brain together to work efficiently.
Want to do yoga but can’t take out much time for it? Don’t worry, here are some of the most beneficial yoga asanas recommended by the best ayurvedic colleges in India.
Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is an all-in-one yoga asana that includes several yoga asanas. The ideal time to do Surya Namaskar is in the morning time when the sun is rising. It’s a great combination of asanas and warm-up exercises that prepare the body for the day. Also, it boosts up all the seven chakras and improves the blood circulation.
Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog
Adho mukha svanasana is a whole body yoga in which almost every part of the body utilized. It is also known as the downward dog pose because dogs do this pose when they wake up. This pose gives relief from problems like a headache, blood pressure, and stress and strengthens the arms and legs.
Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend Pose
Lie down your upper body and let your palms rest on the side of your feet. Keep your legs absolutely straight and try to keep your upper and lower body as close as possible. This amazing yoga poses provide a sufficient quantity of blood to your face and brain and eliminates excess fat from the abdomen. Also, it improves the growth of hair and improves digestion.
Shavasana or Corpse Pose
Shavasana is an excellent way to relax the body. All you need to do in this asana is just lie down straight on the yoga mat and relax your body. Be aware of your body and breath while resting in this pose. This amazing pose relaxes the mind and eases stress.
Giving just 15 minutes from your day to these yogasanaa can make your healthier and happier. If you want to know more about Ayurveda and Yoga, then you can visit an ayurvedic institute.
So, do you want to learn Ayurveda from a good ayurvedic institute?
If yes, then you can visit “Aithien Healing.” They teach a variety of ayurvedic concepts such as marma therapy, nadiprana yoga, and Indian head massage course. So, contact them today to do more ayurvedic courses.